Saturday, 30 November 2013

Hair colour removal disaster!

I decided it was time to get rid of my pink hair. I loved it for a little while but it was always meant to be temporary. My aim was going lilac so I decided I'd get the ball rolling and I had somewhat of a crisis.

I had always used either Scott Cornwall's colour b4 to rid my hair colours, even reds and blacks have came out fine. Then I found one by JoBaz which was much cheaper...

Despite how cheap you can find this for, I had used this on my hair before and it worked fine, so I thought I'd try it on my pink. To my surprise this time it turned my hair blue! I thought either it wouldn't work at all or it would work amazingly... I didn't realise there was a chance my pink hair would turn blue! But yes, I'll have you know there is a chance it turns pink hair blue and it looks truly awful.

On camera it doesn't look as bad, especially in that lighting. In real life through it was like a lilac/grey/blue wishy washy mess! Thank god for hats, I put mine on and nipped into town for a new colour removal dye. I will write about what happened with that in another post! But for now, please note colour removal kits are not great on bright pink hair! Unless you want blue, in that case go ahead!

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